View Images Library Photos and Pictures. Schreinerei Helfrich in Glattbach bei Aschaffenburg

. Schreinerei Helfrich in Glattbach bei Aschaffenburg

This set of storage stairs is easily hidden throughout the day, and also serves as stairs up to the bedroom loft! Via New Zealand-based @buildtinyhomes Tiny House Movement // Tiny Living // Tiny House Storage // Tiny Home Stairs // #TinyHouseonWheels #Architecture #Homedecor #TinyHome #StorageHacks
Clevere Ideen für mehr #Stauraum. Insbesondere für #kleine #Räume! Mehr dazu ->
Schreinerei Helfrich in Glattbach bei Aschaffenburg
In here you'll find some useful tiny house stair storage ideas. This list showcases ten different staircases in tiny houses. Each has its own pros and cons. Use these as inspiration to build your dream tiny home. Image credit: Mint Tiny House Company.